::Baby G Take 2:: Week 26

How far along? 26 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 12 lbs. last check a few weeks ago. I'll find out for sure on Thursday

Stretch marks? Not yet, fingers are still crossed

Symptoms: Heartburn still...back pain and some slight swelling in my feet. I only realize this because my boots that are normally loose were tight on Thanksgiving. Could have been from standing while cooking though now that I think about it.

Sleep: Sleep has been pretty good. One night recently I twisted over in bed while I was sleeping and it sent a sharp pain in my stomach that was enough to wake me up. I think I am going to attempt to bring the Snoogle pillow back in hope that it helps minimize the need for rolling over.

Best moment this week: Thanksgiving was great with ours families but best moment is definitely being off for 9 straight days!! (Seriously guys, I am meant to work from home---it suits me)

Have you told family and friends: Yes everyone knows. 

Miss anything: This week I'd say is the first week I have been uncomfortable more often than not so I miss being comfortable. Shaving was an Olympic feat this weekend in the shower.

Movement: So much it's distracting. She is starting to have moments where she is moving constantly!

Food cravings: No cravings really this week. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: No

Have you started to show yet: OMG Yes!

Gender: GIRL! Macie Paige

Labor Signs: None thank God

Belly Button in or out? SO far out. I don't remember popping this much with Henley

Wedding Rings On or Off? On

Happy or Moody: Happy but I did have a few cranky days here and there.

Looking forward to: Painting the nursery (hopefully this weekend!)