::Baby G Take 2:: Week 37

How far along? 37 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 32.5 lbs

Stretch marks? Yes

Symptoms: Heartburn, swollen feet, shooting pains in my special parts, overall discomfort!

Sleep: Sleep has been ok. Some nights up once, others up every hour, especially if Fitz is snoring! (ugh!!)

Best moment this week: Hearing that m cervix is getting ready, although it also is freaking me out. This is so real!

Have you told family and friends: Yep

Miss anything: I miss being comfortable, ready to be back to myself

Movement: Kicks have slowly changed into rolls and stretches.

Food cravings: Nothing specific.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope

Have you started to show yet: Yep

Gender: GIRL! Macie Paige

Labor Signs: None

Belly Button in or out? Out for sure

Wedding Rings On or Off? Off

Happy or Moody: This week has been better but I've had some emotional moments as well.