::Get Fit:: Week 2
Week 2 of my "Get Fit" plan went rather well. I got a few runs in but I am starting to see that this getting in shape while having an infant is going to be harder than I originally expected. We will get into that into a minute----first let's discuss last week.
My sister and I went for two runs. I love running this time of year, the temps are perfect and there is virtually no humidity. Having my sister to motivate me to run is really nice to have. I'm excited for the time when Henley can run with my hubs and I in the stroller.
My sister and I went for two runs. I love running this time of year, the temps are perfect and there is virtually no humidity. Having my sister to motivate me to run is really nice to have. I'm excited for the time when Henley can run with my hubs and I in the stroller.
It's already Wednesday this week and I haven't had the chance to run or workout yet, hopefully I can get some in at the latter part of the week.
Henley starts day care on Monday and I start work on Wednesday. I cannot believe it's already time to go back. I am taking Henley to daycare on Monday and Tuesday for a few hours to get me used to that part before I go back to work. I had a girlfriend that did something similar and she said it really helped with the transition.
I spoke with my employer about my hours and am planning to work 7-4 to give me an extra hour in the evening. I could work 6-3 but I think that would be hard to get up and feed her in the am with waking up a few times at night. If I work 7-4, I have 9 hours at work to obviously get my work done, pump three time, and go to the gym over lunch. I can see how quickly my day is filling up. I'm curious to see how it will work. Any moms out there have tips?!
This post is short and sweet but I hope you all are having success in your plan to "Get Fit"!
Later peeps!
Mere :-)