::Henley:: 9 Months... 3/4 of a Year!

Well we made it to 9 months and we are in the new house. We moved in on the 18th, Henley's 9 month birthday but it's taken us a few days to get organized enough to take pictures and get the computer up and running.


We have no idea but girlfriend is heavy!! We go to the Doctor in the morning for her 9-Month checkup and will find out then. I am guessing 20 lbs.

I am scared to write this in fear of jinxing it but this month has been great. Henley has been healthy and happy! We have had a great month so I am starting to think maybe she has caught every germ that is at day care and there are no new ones left ;-)

Sleep has not been good lately. She is going down at 7 no problem. I can even usually leave her in the crib awake and she puts herself to sleep. During the night is a different story, she is now waking at least twice a night and refusing to go back down in the crib. I've tried everything--down awake, CIO, rocking to sleep and laying her down and in every situation she just stands up and cries. When we tried having her cry it out, she cried for an hour and then we eventually brought her in our bed---this is the only way she is sleeping well. I am hoping this is just a phase and will be short lived. We are on week 2 of this and I'm sure the move didn't help.
She loves sleeping on mama


We are officially out of all of her 6 month clothing and wearing mostly 9 month now. There are a few 12 months that she is fitting into also. We don't have a ton of things to wear in 12 months so I am trying to pick up cute things when I see them on sale. I have found a ton of cute Halloween things that I can't wait for her to wear. We love the holidays in this house.

She is officially in big girl PJ's. They are so adorable, I actually put her in these more often than her one piece footie pj's now.

A few weeks ago I got dressed for work then went to get Henley dressed and afterwards I realized we matched! It was pretty cute if I do say so myself.


Mama's Milk: She's still nursing pretty regularly, every 2-3 hours when we are at home. She is taking 4 - 4 oz bottles at Day Care.

Solids: She is loving solid food and has tried tons of things. We are now eating chunks and are no longer pureeing everything. She was getting frustrated while eating and just wanted to feed herself and this has been working great for us. Still on the top of her favorites list are apples, carrots, and sweet potatoes. We give her puffs and yogurt melts pretty often when we are at home and she has become so great at using her index finger and thumb to pick up food.

Baby Gear Love

Henley is still loving her pink farm walker from V-Tech. She has started walking behind it and pushing it around. It's seriously so crazy seeing her able to walk with this.

We finally were able to break out Henley's tricycle. We got this as a shower gift and since we now have a neighborhood to walk around, we broke it out this week. She loves it and it's fun to see her just taking a stroll. 


Same as last month with separation anxiety, it's like she thinks I'm leaving forever if I leave the room. Another guaranteed cry-fest is in the car seat---she hates it! She is fine once she's been in there a while but initially one would think we were beating her by her screams.


We went to the park this month with our friend Ella and her mom Mary. Mary and I work together, Henley and Ella are 9 months apart and both go to the same day care. We met for breakfast then went to the park. After the park we came back to our house and the girls played for a little while. I love seeing her interact with other kids.


Mama is feeling great, although I'd feel even better with a full night's sleep ;-)

Last weekend I got a mom's night out with a few girlfriends, we went to see John Mayer in Concert in Tampa. It was awesome being out. We were able to sit back and enjoy dinner with some great drinks. We were also able great conversation, not even considering the awesome concert!


We are pulling up on everything and even walking along the furniture. She is also starting to let go and go "hands free" every now and again.

She is starting to talk way more even though it's not words we know, although I have definitely heard "mama" here and there.

She has starting drinking out of a straw with no problems too. I bought her a sippy cup with a straw and read somewhere that if you squeeze it and let her see there is water coming out, she will learn to suck the straw and it worked. It probably took her 2-3 times but she picked it up like a pro!

Overall we have had a great month. She is getting more and more fun each day (and more and more work!) We are so excited to see her grow up in our new home. Here are some fun pictures from the month:

My goal is to have a house post soon! Sorry for the lack of posting, it's been a crazy month!!

Mere :-)