::Henley:: Pumpkin Patch

Fall in Florida isn't really like fall elsewhere around the country. There are no cool night breezes or leaves falling to the ground but there are pumpkin patches (albeit "man made" ones that are set up on busy street corners or parks but pumpkin patches nonetheless). Last weekend we took Henley to a pumpkin patch and snapped a few shots. She has been totally obsessed with pumpkins lately. She loved walking around and even picked out a small pumpkin of her own! We had just been the doctor for Henley's flu shot so this was a nice pick me up.

This weekend we went to a local park that was having a festival. There was a pumpkin patch and a train ride. Henley loved it all, she even saw a friend from school while she was there. Grandma and Aunt Allie joined us too.

 Look at that face---obsessed with "pumpas" I tell ya!

Happy Fall Y'all----now if only the cool weather would head this way!!!

Mere :-)