Quarantine Day 10: Homeschooling Day 1


Today was the first attempt at working from home and “homeschooling”, I use that term loosely. We started our day around 8:30. The girls went to the playroom and Ted and I to the office. Within the first 30 minutes, I had lots of requests for help which is understandable—- they are just learning how to use the apps. With some interruption, I was able to hold three video meetings with my teams, answer emails, do a few things I needed to, and catch up on some outstanding items from my week off last week.

The girls ended up doing math apps on the laptops or tablet, writing worksheets for Henley and letters and phonics for Macie, Osmo pizza and detective games, art by making slime and music as they sang to Alexa. We had some free play time before lunch (my schedule for lunch ended up being at 10am—they didn’t follow timers, shocking I know). After lunch we did some coloring and art, more Osmo, Henley read for 20 minutes, and then we finished the day with ice cream and pool time. I worked until about 530 and then got a workout in with the hubs——we did 80 Day Obsession and seeing him use the bands is so hilarious!

Overall the day was a big success. The girls actually did school work and had fun. They played independently and had minimal tablet time. I’m not sure how long this will last but it makes me a little more hopeful for the week ahead. These last ten days have been stressful and scary but at the same time, oddly relaxing. We’ve had no schedule to follow, errands to run. There has been no rushing to dance or gymnastics. This forced slowing of pace has actually been refreshing. I hope I take some of this into our normal day-to-day once all of this is over. I have faith we will get through all of this and possibly be better off in the end, it just seems like a long road to get there. I hope your day went well and you are remaining sane through all of this.

I lettered this quote today on Instagram—-so fitting.

We may have all come on different ships but we are in the same boat now.
— Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
