Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th

With today being Friday, the 13th and Halloween right around the corner, I thought it would be fun to share with you a list of everything that scares the crap out of me. Friday the 13th is superstitious in many cultures and the fear of Friday the 13th has even been given the name triskaidekaphobia. I don't have this fear but I do usually double-take when someone mentions the date, almost like I evaluate if it's a good idea to do said thing on this date.

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::Weekend Recap:: Fall Festival and Family Fun

It's Sunday evening and I am so looking forward to bedtime! This day has flown by and I feel like I've been playing defense all day.

Our morning started with homemade pumpkin waffles from the hubs (which we amazing). Pancakes led to Macie eating fistfuls (literally) of syrup which then led to an unplanned morning bath. While in the bath I was catching up on social media. I happened to look over to see Macie had pooped in the tub. Queue panic, pulling a soapy kid out of the bath, calling for hubs to come get said child, fishing the poop out, and running to find the bleach. No bleach so to Target I went. I should have know it was going to be one of those days with that kind of start. In summary today was a collection of cleaning up after Macie.

Yesterday was much more calm. We started the day with Henley's gymnastic class and the local fall festival. We went with our friends that have two girls, similar ages to Henley and Macie. It was a blast. The girls played on the playground, did the bounce house and giant slide and we rode the little Halloween train. The wait for the train was longer than expected so we didn't end up getting our pumpkin. We need to pickup a pumpkin to carve one night this week.

The weather this weekend has been perfect so I finished my Saturday with my Halloween Lularoe leggings and a nice glass of wine on the patio. 

This afternoon we went to my Uncle's for my Dad's Surprise 60th Birthday Party. It was great to see him and the rest of the gang. My sister drove down for the party too so it was great to see her.

There were old pictures of my Dad all around, it was great looking back over all of the memories throughout the years. Happy Birthday Dad!! Love you!

It's almost 7pm, approaching Macie's bedtime. One more push for the day---bedtime, folding laundry, and packing bags for the week. Here I go. Hope you are enjoying the rest of your weekend.


::Craftie:: DIY Halloween Queen of Hearts

Halloween is right around the corner and I start looking forward to Halloween in August. I love this time of year and I feel like preparing for Halloween really kicks off our Florida “Fall” (since the weather sure isn’t going to let us know the holidays are fast approaching). This year I was extra excited to get our costumes planned since we were planning a trip to Disney for the Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party.

This year after some back and forth on various costume ideas, we decided on Alice in Wonderland. Henley was quick to claim the Queen of Hearts as her costume and the rest of us fell in line---Macie as Alice, me as the Cat, and Dad as the Mad Hatter.

One evening while trying to procrastinate bedtime, she was looking over my shoulder as I scrolled through Pinterest. She immediately pointed out one of the pins for her costume, of course it was the most involved of all of the Queen costumes we saw. After some attempts at persuading her to choose a different costume and losing at said negotiations, I took her selection as a challenge.

Admittedly, I was a little annoyed she picked an elaborate costume but once I broke down the individual pieces it came together pretty quickly.

First up was her shirt. I just took a black t-shirt and added a red glitter heart. I heat pressed Heat Transfer Vinyl for hers but there are a few different ways you could accomplish this same look (paint, stencil, iron-on, etc). I then picked up some white satin ruffle from Hobby Lobby and sewed it to the neck for a collar. The picture I was going off of used tulle for the collar but I was sure she would think it was itchy all night.

For the skirt, I used lots and lots of tulle looped around an elastic. I think in the end I used almost 8 spools of tulle. I tried to convince her to have a short tutu but in typical toddler fashion, her mind was made up.

Once I had the tulle tied on in the various colors I tied some black and white diamond ribbon on the sides of the front and knotted the black tulle to look like tufts.

Hobby Lobby sells glitter canvas material (located near the felt) is tons of great colors. I have used this for glitter bows in the past and thought it would be perfect for the hearts on the front of the skirt. I used my Silhouette Cameo to cut them out and attached it to the white tulle using hot glue.

I ordered a headband from Etsy and picked up a wand at Toys r Us to finish it up, she couldn’t be more thrilled. It’s been finished for a few weeks as we were pretty busy and I wanted to allow myself enough time to complete. She has begged me off and on to let her wear it. Being the princess that she is, Queen is the next logical step in her reign.

Have you guys been DIY’ing any costumes for the littles? Please share!!

::Disney:: October Trip Recap

It's Monday night and we are back from our long weekend at Disney. Overall the trip was amazing. It was filled with characters, princesses, and lots of little girl smiles.

We started the weekend at Epcot for some Food and Wine fun. Going in I knew this was going to be more fun for the grown ups but the littles had fun too. My brother met us there with his kids so Henley was totally content with that alone.

My first stop was to get the Dole Pineapple whip with Coconut Rum. It did not disappoint.

We went halfway around the world and got to try quite a bit. I think you'd need to do a few separate visits to be able to try everything without getting drunk or stuffed.

The girls did get to meet Anna and Elsa which was super cute and exciting. Even though Macie talks about Elsa all day long, she was a little shy when we got up close to her.

That night we ate dinner in Disney Springs and got to meet up with my sister. The girls got to ride the carousel and mama got cake pops! Seriously, prob in the top 5 for reasons I go to Disney (the girls weren't complaining either)

Saturday morning was spent in Magic Kingdom. Meeting a few characters and riding some rides. Macie was so cute, signing for "more" when a ride would finish that she liked.

We left the park around noon to get naps in and rest before the Halloween Party. We were able to squeeze a little pool time in too.

And finally, last night was the Halloween Party. It was great. We got so many compliments on our costumes, especially the Queen who was fully in character most of the night. We did some Trick or Treating, watching the Sanderson Sisters show, and watched the Boo-to-You parade.

It was a great weekend and now that we have Annual Passes I look forward to being able to explore different parts of the park that we always seem to miss.

Now off to pack all of the bags for school and work tomorrow---4 day week!

::Henley:: Month 10!

Every month I say the same thing, I know, but this month seriously flew by the fastest. I don't know if it was all of the work we have done on the house or if it is just this time of year but I feel like Baby Girl is going to be one by the time I finish this post!

Month 10, ok here we go!


No update on the weight officially but I am guessing she has gained about a pound. She is slowly creeping into her clothes and shoes that were previously too big so I am thinking we have had a slight growth spurt over the last few weeks or so


We have had another month of good health. We have gotten the occasional snotty nose here and there but no biggie. If anything Henley is her own worse enemy rather than germs---having a mobile baby means bumps and bruises here and there. Last week she had a tiny little bruise under her eye but no one knew what from. She didn't see to mind it though.


Oh what can I say---well I can tell you this, we had one wake up last night, one! I know there are those out there with babies that have been sleeping 10-12 hours for months but for us, this is huge.

A few weeks ago I wrote about doing sleep training again. Well we are on week 3 of that and everything is going really great. She goes down in her crib wide awake, I give her the lovey, cover her with a blanket and she falls asleep. Sometimes she cries for a minute but most of the time she just rolls on her belly and knocks out. 

One of my biggest problems before was Henley was waking at 5am and then wouldn't go back down. Once I started this CIO, I decided to just wake up, nurse her, and see if she would go back down and she did. This waking has slowly started to creep into the 4 o'clock hour but doesn't really matter to me. Most nights she wakes around 2 and around 4/5. 

I am really excited that the nights are going so well. I have been debating about night weaning. On one hand I know she is just waking out of habit and think I should wean her but on the other, I know she will only be nursing for 2 more months (at most if I am lucky) so I think what's the big deal now.


Girlfriend is finally wearing her Tiny Toms! I am so excited about this. When I was pregnant, Zulily was running a deal on Toms. I immediately got a pair for her in a size 3. They finally fit and she has worn them a couple of times!

We are still fitting in most of our 9 month clothing but are now also wearing 12 months. The 12 month pants are a tad long but overall they fit well. I am excited for the 12 month clothes coming up for cold weather---can we say sweater dresses and ribbed leggings!

 Oh yes--mom and Henley were twinsies once again :-)


Before I start this I want to disclaim that I am 100% grateful that I have successfully nursed her this long. Ok now the wine...I am running out of milk! I am not pumping anywhere close to what I was and we are using a bag or two of frozen milk every day for daycare. At this rate I will have depleted my stash in about 3 weeks. Since I am a week late with this post that puts us at 11 months. I know it's only one month shy and I'm sure I'll be able to still pump something but dang! so close. :-(

Other than this, Miss Henley eats everything! Lately her favorites consist of watermelon, cheese raviolis, and an orzo pasta that I make with carrots, broccoli, and zucchini. She also loves any and all puffs and is doing great with her water in the sippy cup. 

Dinner time with her is seriously one of my favorite thing, probably because she makes hilarious faces.

Baby Gear Love:

Now that we are fully settled into the house, we are walking with Henley every night with her tricycle that I mentioned in her 9 month post. Most days she just props her feet up and enjoys the ride. There are sometimes where we push our luck and try to stretch the walk and she's not having it but we really love the tricycle.

I also recently purchased the Fisher Price Laugh and Learn Singing Puppy. At first I don't think she was a fan but now she will move it around and play with it for a little while. 


It's safe to say Henley has learned that crying makes us do whatever it takes to get her to stop. She hardly ever cries really hard but every now and then she is a little bit of a drama queen, mainly when it comes to the changing table---which sucks because when she was little, that was the best part!


We had another play date with our friend Ella. She came over and the girls played in the pool. The best part was after everyone was done in the pool, we gave them puffs on the patio and they both were so focused on eating. I swear these two are the same baby.

Henley's cousin Alaina turned three and we went to the Park for a "Brave" birthday party. All of the little girls wore a headband with ribbons tied to it to mimic Merida's red, curly hair and Henley was not excluded. She even had her own!

We also went to the Pumpkin Patch and got the best pictures! I blogged about it here.


I think it's safe to say I am back to normal :-)


Henley is now fully standing without holding on to anything. She has taken a few steps here and there but it seems like she isn't keen on the whole no balance thing. It's super cute to see her trying to take steps.

She also is SO chatty, she gets it from Dad. She said a lot of sounds but lately she says Mama and Dada to us. We are answering her and it seems like she just babbles on, she always has a lot to say ;-)

We are looking forward to Halloween and Trick or Treating with Henley this year. Not sure if we will actually go around the neighborhood but we have a ton of kids in our new neighborhood so I am excited to see everyone. I'll be sure to post pictures!

Hump Day is upon us, let's pray it's a smooth one!

Mere :-)

::Henley:: Pumpkin Patch Visit

To many people the beginning of October signifies cool weather and the changing color of the leaves. While we don't have that in Florida we do have things that feel like fall to us. One of those is definitely picking out a pumpking (or two). We took Henley to her first pumpkin patch and hubs (as usual) got some great shots!!

Now we just need to get one carved! Have you been to a patch this year yet?

Mere :-)

::Baby G:: Happy Halloween

How far along? 31 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 22 at the last appointment

Maternity clothes? Yes

Stretch marks? Same, same

Symptoms: Overall a little more uncomfortable, heartburn is getting worse, back pain is getting a tad bit better.

Sleep: I've been pretty tired this week and sleeping rather well considering. Sleeping with the windows open, cool breeze blowing has been awesome. Fall is finally here

Best moment this week: Finishing the nursery, shower with my dad and his side of the family, and the weather!

Have you told family and friendsYep

Miss anything? I miss being able to hug my husband so closely, I also miss comfy snuggling with him, belly just gets in the way.

Movement: An enormous amount of movement, I feel like my stomach is constantly moving.

Food cravings: Nope

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope

Have you started to show yet: Oh yes!

Gender: Girl, Henley Nicole!

Labor Signs: None.

Belly Button in or out? The top little flap is out, the rest is flat.

Wedding rings on or off? Still on but pretty snug.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy for the most part.

Exercise: With the nicer weather I got a few long walks in, trying to walk at least three times a week.

Looking forward to: Our anniversary is this weekend---6 years!

Fitz was such a good sport wearing his triceratops costume. I was actually shocked we got the pictures that we did. He even posed for a few after we were finished---all in the name of getting a treat! :-)

Happy Halloween!!!

Mere :-)