

For the last few years, I have been lucky enough to take the week between Christmas and New Year's off from work. Prior to this, I would take a few days before Christmas off and use that time to finish up any last minute prep or shopping for Christmas but that usually left me feeling exhausted and wishing I was home to recover the days after. I have learned that having the time after Christmas to organize, clean, and declutter has been priceless.

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One Little Word: Intention

Yesterday, New Year's Day, I started looking around Facebook, Instagram, and the Blog World at various posts and hashtags and ended up down quite an enlightening rabbit hole. I came across the hashtag #onelittleword and fell completely in love. I have heard of people picking a "word" for their year but when I sat down to think through what I wanted for 2017, I couldn't really choose a word that I thought fit me so I didn't.

Well a few weeks and tons of great posts later, I have chosen my word. I was in the shower and it clicked. Everything on my list really comes down to one word. Intention. I want to be intentional this year. I don't want to be that person that just rides through and ends up four months down the road off track from where I want to be. I've been excited about my lists of goals and to-do's but this clarity has me so pumped! Intention!! So easy but it just took me some time to get there. 

As with everything in my life, to the planner I went. I setup a #onelittleword page in my notes section and went to town with some lettering, definition, and quotes that really capture what I want to see for myself this year. 

Today is my last day of my twelve day streak so I am going to go soak up every minute of it. 

Have a good day!

New Year, New Restart

I mentioned the other day how much I enjoy the new start that the New Year brings and this year is so exception. I have my 2017 Planner ready to go and I've already sat down and laid out my 2017 Goals and Plans. I noted all of my plans in the first section of the planner so I am able to refer back often and see my progress.

I separated my goals into four categories and thought I'd share with you are few of them.

Financial - 
  • Reach my yearly goal for our savings account through set weekly deposits
  • Retirement account setup for my husband
  • Setup college accounts for the girls
  • Payoff our main credit card balance
  • Stick to Mint.com budget and check progress weekly

Health - 
  • Visit the dentist twice for cleanings
  • Workout consistently three to four times a week
  • Drink Shakeology daily
  • Meet daily step goals
  • Reach weight goal and maintain it

Family - 
  • Disney trips for girls' birthdays
  • Schedule dates with the husband monthly
  • Take the girls out on one-on-one dates
  • Swim lessons for March for Macie
  • Weekly lunch dates with husband

Personal - 
  • Keep up on blogging at least twice weekly
  • Monthly updates to my photobook
  • Reading challenge 40 books
  • Stay positive and above the B.S.
  • Continue working on my creativity (hand lettering, calligraphy, and most recently photography)

Do you guys like setting goals at the start of the new year? What are some that you are working on this year? 

::Life:: 2013

I have seen tons of posts of Instagram of montages of pictures from profiles throughout the year and of course I had to jump on the bandwagon. I loved seeing all of the pictures from early in the year that reminded me how tiny Henley once was and of how far we have come.

I got a notification on my phone from Google + and it was another video montage and this one has to be the best!

I honestly cannot even begin to summarize 2013 in a way that will truly convey what a year it has been! We rang in the New Year by going to bed at 8pm with a 2-week old baby, being woken by fireworks, pooping up in bed to watch them over the river and immediately falling back asleep to enjoy a few minutes of sleep before Henley's next feeding. (longest sentence ever!)

Through all of the late nights, tears, pain, healing, growing, rolling over, crawling, eating, and walking I have learned that life is flying by. I have loved this year and am excited for what is to come in 2014.

Mere :-)