Hand Lettering Tips

Hand Lettering Tips

If you’ve been anywhere near social media in the last year you have probably seen sped up videos showing hand lettering or calligraphy. These videos immediately grabbed my attention and I decided I had to learn to do this. I followed a few accounts on Instagram that specialized in this and watched YouTube videos. After I ordered some supplies, I was ready to start. 

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Hello September!

Hello September!

Summer is coming to an end. With school starting and the beginning of fall just around the corner, there are little glimpses of fall all around: a PSL Starbuck ad at Target, the fall clothing lineup during the Nordstrom’s Anniversary Sale, the amazing scent of apple cider in the form of Mrs. Meyers All-Purpose Spray, and my bank account as I try to acquire new, more fall-esque clothing (sorry Hubs!).

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The Girls' Top Reading Picks

The Girls' Top Reading Picks

Every night I snuggle into the recliner with Macie and sometimes Henley joins us. With one girl on each side of me, we start reading. Macie typically pushes for at least four or five books, Mom is usually done after two, although more times than not, I give in. We have some really cute favorites we've been reading lately so I thought I'd share.

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Room Sharing to Solve It All?

Room Sharing to Solve It All?

We have had a routine over the last few weeks that has looked a little like this. I lay with Henley in her bed until she falls asleep. I hear blood curdling screams for “Maaamaaaa” around midnight, go to her room and bring her back in our bed until morning. Around 6am Macie joins the crew and we are all snuggled into bed until around 7am. One night of this wouldn’t be bad, a few periodic nights of this is manageable. Every night like this is not okay.

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Henley's First Day of VPK

Henley's First Day of VPK

My peanut, my biggest peanut that is, started VPK today. VPK is Florida's voluntary preschool program. She is going to the same school she's been at since she was one but this felt like a bigger deal. With school only a year away, it's starting to feel less "daycare" and more "school". The classroom has more "big kid" things in it including clocks to learn how to tell time, maps, and sight words. 

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